Monday, September 19, 2016

AngularJS Interview Questions

1) What is angularjs ?

2) Features of angular js ?

3) Difference between MVVM and MVC and MVP ?

4) What is single page application ?

5) How angular bootstrap ?

6) How to manual bootstrap angularjs ?

7) AngularJS Initialization & rendering process ?

8) Running order of







9) jqLite vs jQuery ?

10) Types of binding ?

11) Two way data binding ?

12) ng-model directive ?

13) Why ng init is used ?

14) Difference Between expression{{}} and ng-bind ?

15) ng-repeat is used for ?

16) What if duplicate element in ng-rpeat ?

17) How to display unique element in ng-repeat ?

18) How to apply switch case in angular ?

19) Difference between service and factory ?

20) Is service and factory singleton object ?

21) How angular has implement singleton pattern in factory and service ?

22) One scanerio where services can't be used ?

23)What is the meaning of # in the URL?

24) UI Routing ?

25) Abstract state in UI routing ?

26) ng routing vs ui routing ?

27) Authorizaion in ng-routing ?

28) Difference between scope and $scope ?

29) Benfit of controller As ?

30) Lazy loading of controllers ?

31) How to check current running controller ?

32) Communication between two controllers

33) What are the ajax calls?

34) What is asynchronous means?

35) What are promises ?

36) What are interceptors ?

37) What is dependency injection? How to add dependency in angularjs?

38) What is digest cycle and how you can stop it ?

39) How to check digest cycle is in progress ?

40) What is $destroy ?

41) What is ng-transclude ?

42) How you can all method of controller in directive ?

43) Different types of directives ?

44) Controller vs link in directive ?

45) Pre link vs Post Link vs Compile functions ?

46) What is best way to manipulate DOM and how can we do ?

47) Directive restrict type ?

48) Events in angularjs ?

49) Restrict types in angularjs ?

50) Custom exceptions in angularjs ?

51) Filters in angularjs ?

52) Custom filter in angularjs ?

53) What are decorators ?

54) Providers in angularjs ?

55) Session management in angularjs ?

56) Authentication and Authorization in angualrjs?

57) What is localization? How can we achieve the localization ?

58) What is local Storage?

59) What is session storage?

60) What is the difference between the local Storage and session Storage?

61) How to speed up rendering UI ?

62) Directory structure of angular js app ?

63) Best practices of angualrjs ?

64) How to remove ng-classes and directive information from DOM ?

65) What is angular 2 ?

66) Difference between angularjs 1.x and 2 ?

67) How angular 2 is rendering DOM ?

68) What is grunt? Why we use it?

69) Why we use grunt other than minification?

70) What is gulp?

71) What are the new things in available in html5?


  1. Nice blog Sunil .. Few more question which are frequently asked in Level-1 companies are :
    1. what is Two way binding
    2. what is Ng-Bind
    3. what is One way binding
    4. Directives types
    5. $http vs $resource
    6. Dependency injection In Angular JS
    7. Methods of $http service
    8. How to initiate angular data

    Keep sharing !!!

    1. Thanks Preeti.. your suggestion is valauable to me and blog readers.. I wil edit the post to add your questions.. Thanks :)
